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What can you do with the Angels?

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מעגלים גדולים

Large Groups

In large gatherings, the Angels can gently generate connections and establish a positive atmosphere within a few minutes.

Everyone picks one card, and takes turns reading their card aloud, adding another word or sentence if they so choose.

You can make this a round of good wishes or final thoughts at the end of a group experience, in a workplace holiday celebration or at large family gatherings, as an icebreaker for a bridal shower, as a summary at the end of a workshop, or during the course of a shared journey.

The Angel we receive invites us to take it along as our companion for the rest of the day, week or year ahead.

Large groups
Small groups
מעגלים קטנים

Small Groups

In small group settings, the Angel Cards can create a space for deep and intimate conversation.

Choose 2-3 cards each (or more if you want), and take a moment of introspection to consider how you connect to those Angels, and if there is any connection between them.

Share the thoughts and feelings that arise from your particular assortment of cards with other members of the group.

The conversation can relate to a specific time frame–today, or the past or upcoming week–or to a special event, such as a birthday, the beginning or end of a chapter in life, or any thought or association that occurs to you in the moment.


I Want Malachim

© 2023 Neta Gruber Perry קלפי מלאכים | Malachim Cards

Photos by: Michal Fattal | Web Design: BarleyStudio

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